




Update 3 (29 August): Shuttle to Friday dinner!

All guests attending the Friday evening dinner are invited to gather in front of the Apollo Hotel for a 6pm departure. The bus will return to the Apollo around 9-10pm. If you need to meet us at the dinner venue, it's the Gaspoda Obora, Pla偶owa 2, 76-156 Bobolin.

Dress code: Country smart casual 馃槈

Food: Polish country cuisine

Update 2 (28 August): Addresses, phone numbers, parking

Here is the Apollo address: K膮pielowa 11, 76-150 Dar艂owo, Poland

Here is the Villa Makro address: Ba艂tycka 6, 76-153 Dar艂贸wko Wschodnie, Poland

For the Apollo, park in their own parking lot, just to the left of the building, here:

For the Makro, park anywhere along Ba艂tycka or S艂owia艅ska streets. 

For both hotels, ignore this sign you'll come across before you get to the hotels:

The ceremony on Saturday is at 5:30pm. We recommend you leave Dar艂owo by 4:45pm to allow for a wrong turn or two. The address is Iwi臋cino 17, 76-003 Sian贸w, Poland. Due to road construction, there is a very specific route you must take. Here's a PDF of instructions in English and in Polish

Finally, you can call/text any of us at any time with any questions: 

Travis: +447 414 625 398

Aga: +447 450 287 821

Jill (Travis's mom): +1-917-434-5640

Mike (Travis's dad): +1-970-209-0515

Dorota (Aga's mom, speaks some English): +48 889 550 550

Jarek (Aga's dad): +48 792 215 707

Update 1 (15 July): What to expect at a Polish wedding

1. Friday/The 'Rehearsal Dinner'

The rehearsal dinner doesn't really exist in Poland, except in American movies. So we're not doing one per se, but we are doing a dinnerFriday night for everyone who arrives that day (mostly American and British guests). This will take place at Gospoda Obora in Bobolin, about a 10-15 minute drive from the hotels. We'll provide transport. 

This will be a casual affair. The restaurant is a converted cow barn (that's what 'obora' means). Think Polish down home cookin'. The food will be awesome. 

2. Saturday/The main event

The ceremony is at a little church in Iwi臋cino, normally about a 20 minute drive from the hotels but due to road construction, longer. We'll post a detailed map. Ceremony is at 5:30, and will last around 40 mins to an hour. 

After the ceremony, people typically gather outside the church and stand in line to congratulate the bride and groom, traditionally handing them a card and flowers (Polish guests often include a bit of cash in the envelope as a wedding gift, although we realise this is impractical for foreign guests, who are invited to contribute via our honeymoon fund instead). Instead of flowers, if you'd like, please bring your favorite children's book, which we'll donate to schools/charities in Poland/UK.

Then everyone drives back to the Apollo, with the bride/groom arriving last, to be toasted by everyone and given bread/salt/vodka by their parents. What follows is a protracted mix of food and dancing into the wee hours of the morning. Various hot and cold courses will be brought out to the tables every hour or so for a few hours. Guests go frequently back and forth from their tables to the dance floor. 

3. Sunday/Day three

Around noon, guests come back to the dining room at the Apollo for brunch or 'Poprawiny'. More food, some beer and bidding faretheewell to people as they head home.

We are absolutely delighted...

...to welcome dearest friends and family to our wedding in beautiful northern Poland on Saturday, September 3, 2016

The festivities will include an informal dinner on Friday, followed by the ceremony and reception beginning Saturday at 5:30pm in Iwi臋cino. There will also be brunch/afterparty on Sunday (until about 2pm) for anyone who doesn't need to leave early. 

As the day approaches, we will be happy to help arrange carpools/transportation to/from Gdansk and Szczecin, and to recommend travel itineraries for anyone interested in exploring the wonderful beaches, castles, forests and cities of Poland.

We'll continue to update this page with more info. In the meantime, please feel free to email us with any questions:


We politely request an RSVP by July 20, 2016.

PS. Dar艂owo is pronounced "Darwovo".

Mamy wielki zaszczyt... 

...zaprosi膰 naszych najbli偶szych przyjaci贸艂 i rodzin臋 na nasz 艣lub, kt贸ry odb臋dzie si臋 dnia 3 wrze艣nia 2016 roku.

Uroczysto艣ci rozpoczn膮 si臋 nieformaln膮 kolacj膮 w pi膮tek 2 wrze艣nia dla wszystkich Go艣ci, kt贸rzy przyjad膮 do Dar艂owa przed sobot膮. Uroczysto艣膰 zawarcia ma艂偶e艅stwa odb臋dzie si臋 w sobot臋 3 wrze艣nia o godzinie 17:30 w ko艣ciele pw. Matki Boskiej Kr贸lowej Polski w  Iw臋cinie, "wiosce ko艅ca 艣wiata". Nast臋pnie serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich Go艣ci na przyj臋cie weselne w hotelu Apollo w Dar艂owie, gdzie planujemy zabaw臋 do bia艂ego rana! Po przyj臋ciu ch臋tnym Go艣ciom zapewniamy nocleg w hotelu Apollo i w pobliskim hotelu Makro. W niedziel臋 zapraszamy wszystkich na poprawiny.

B臋dziemy aktualizowa膰 t臋 stron臋 dodatkowymi informacjami. W mi臋dzyczasie w razie jakichkolwiek pyta艅, prosimy o kontakt na travisandaga@gmail.com.

Mamy nadzieje, 偶e b臋dziecie z nami w tym dniu!

Bardzo prosimy o potwierdzenie przybycia do dnia 20 lipca 2016.


